Volunteer at SMA
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
SMA parents and guardians are a welcome and vital part of school life!
Please view volunteer opportunities below and watch the Kerry Blue
for information on how to sign up to volunteer for a particular event.
Parents Active in Catholic Education (PACE)
Each SMA family is required to give 20 hours of volunteer time over the course of the school year. Volunteering not only helps to benefit the fiscal health of the school, but also increases the feeling of family and fellowship within the school community. Please Submit Your Hours using our online form.
Volunteers whose work will bring them into contact with students must first complete Safe Environment Training, as required by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany (RCDA). If a volunteer will be working alone with children, he or she must also pass a background check. Please reach out to Lori McInerney in our Business Office to get a volunteer packet and information.

Volunteer Opportunities
Below are just some of the SMA events and activities at which you can volunteer:
Back-To-School Night
Picture Day
Holiday Celebrations
Event Parking
School Dances
Community Events, such as Schoolapalooza or Boo2You
Trivia Night
Race For Education
After School Extracurricular Clubs
Camp Kerry or Noah's Ark help
Athletic Team Coaching