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Current Job Openings

Noah's Ark Openings

Our popular Noah's Ark Child Care and PreK programs are looking for a full-time aide to work Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm, in our bright, busy classrooms with our bright, busy 3-, 4- and 5- year old students!


Classroom experience would be a bonus, but is not required. 


For more information,  please call Noah's Ark Director Beverly Kerpka at

(518) 792-3178.   And come join the Noah's Ark crew!



Updated December 18, 2024.

What current faculty members say...

“SMSA is unique because each child is valued and celebrated as a unique creation of God.  From Preschool to Middle School, we educate the whole child, focusing not only on a strong academic foundation, but also a strong moral foundation.  Catholic values such as love, faith, respect, and compassion are reflected in our mission statement, which is interwoven in every aspect of our school.”


“I love working in a place where colleagues feel like they are my extended family.  It’s a generous, caring community where I can feel Jesus’ presence each day.”



“At the heart of SMSA is our faith-based mission.  Our faith guides our interactions throughout the day, and gives us a deeper understanding and appreciation of our role in God’s world.  We are truly a family connected forever by our shared mission….”


“Simply stated, everyone lends a helping hand, a smile, respect and works toward the common goal of teaching God’s beautiful children.  Success is evident through the joy felt within our school walls.”

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