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Megan Seeley

Race for Education Kicks Off March 6!

On Monday, March 6, a Kerry Pep Rally will be held to kick off the 10th Annual Race for Education fundraiser in honor of Coach Barbieri. Over the course of the next couple of months, SMSA will celebrate several spirit days in lieu of this fundraiser, and ask for families to participate in this wonderful event!

Kick Off Packets

In the first week of March, students will be bringing home a "Kick Off Packet" containing information on the Race for Education. This year, SMSA will return to sending out mailers for potential student sponsors. SMSA asks for families' help in reaching the $20,000 goal by taking a little time ot filll out the label sheet with names and addresses of potential donors. The label sheet will be included in the Kick Off Packet.

About the Race for Education

On Friday, May 19, students will line up on the “Start Line” to walk or jog around the playground as many times as they are able in an hour. By asking family and friends to sponsor them through a tax deductible donation, students help raise money to support our goal of $20,000. With this, we will provide continued support for SMSA’s technology resources, including Chromebook updates, classroom improvements, and STREAM initiatives.

Students will also have an opportunity to receive prizes based on their participation in the Race for Education fundraiser. This includes awards for being an individual top fundraiser, the top fundraising class, a school-wide prize for reaching our goal, being a finalist in our weekly spirit program, the winner of our 10th Annual T-shirt design, and running the most laps in class on race day!

PACE Opportunities

There will be numerous PACE volunteer opportunities during the Race for Education fundraiser again this year! . Many of these ops will require interactions with students and staff at SMSA, so if you are interested in these opportunities, you will need to be Safe Environment Certified through the main office. If you are currently certified, you are all set to volunteer. If you are not certified and wish to become so, please contact Bernadette Leone ( in the main office at SMSA to let her know. She will help you get the process going. The certification involves some online training as well as a background check. It does take about two weeks for the background check to clear. So please give yourself a little extra time to prepare for volunteering.

Fundraiser Dates and Events
  • 3/14: “Good-bye to Winter!” Scarf Day

  • 3/21: Sunny Spring Sunglasses Day

  • March 20: Completed Label Sheet & "Student Refers to" pages returned to school

  • 3/28: Crazy Tie or Bow Day

  • 4/4: No program due to Holy Week

  • 4/11: None: Easter Break

  • 4/18: Crazy Sock Day

  • April 24: "Racing with the Teachers" Relay! (in-school pep rally)

  • 4/25: Crazy Hat Day

  • 5/2: SMSA’s 140th Birthday! (TBD)

  • 5/9: Love for Our Lady Day! (Mother’s Day- in honor of Mary/SMSA)

  • May: 10th Annual T-shirt design contest

  • 5/17: “Gear-Up, Teachers” Day! (Teacher’s dress up in running attire)

  • May 18: "Warm-Up" for Race Day!

  • May 19: SMSA's 10th Annual Race for Education Event!

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